Originally Posted by ColeYounger
There is no doubt in my mind that the FF's would have leveled Saudi right after 9/11, no questions asked and regardless of the consequences to the oil supply. They then would've taken the dammed oil and given it to the American people until every jot and tittle that the A-rabs owed us for making us kill their people and level their hovels was paid. Then a little for interest. Sad would've been moldering in his grave already from Gulf War I with Iraq irrigated and growing corn among newly-built Wal Mart's and newly made lakes. It would be a vacation-destination rather than a desert hellhole. Iran would be too frickin' scared to do anything and probably would be welcoming Christians instead of persecuting them. The FF's would think nothing of nuking the whole dammed affair if the Russians or Chinese meddled.

Just think what it would be like if Jeff Davis was our President...

That's phuggin classic. I love it!

Do it today. Tomorrow there may be a law against it.
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