I sincerly hope the bad times of divorce are behind you. I recall speaking to a magazine editor some years ago about your agreeing to come on as a columnist once things in your personal life turned around. I don't recall seeing the column appear during the short life of that magazine. I took it as a very bad situation that wasn't straightening out.

I have not read through the threads regarding introducing drug tests to shooting, therefore aren't familiar with what lit searches you've already completed. Regarding your statement;
sorry but there are NO known drugs that improve shooting ability I have researched this to the "N" th degree , there have been no such test to prove it , period !

Did your research include the work by?
Kruse, Ladefoge, Nielsen, Paulev and Sorensen (1986) in the Journal of Applied Physiology?
Where metoprolol administered 2hrs prior to shooting showed significant increases in score (pistol IIRC).

Bahrke and Yesalis in their book "Performance-Enhancing Substances in Sports and Exercise" cite an article by Wagner which might be of interest;
"...However Beta Blockers were added to the list of prohibited substances in 1986 when it was documented that their use resulted in improved shooting scores..."

I hope to be able to pull the Kruse et al and Wagner articles;
Wagner J, (1987) Substance Abuse Policies and Guidelines In Amateur and Professional Athletics, Am J of Hosp Pharmacy 44(2):305-310

If you've already read through it, I'd appreciate your impressions and thoughts.

I ran across another reference to improved perfomance in Bobsled and shooting in an article by Schmid (1990), but it was in German, which would cause me more pain than I would like at the moment...but if you're linguistically enabled and have access to the Viennese Weekly Medical Review...
Schmid P (1990) Der Einsatz von Beta rezeptoren blockern im leisstungsport. Wiener Medizinische Wochenshrift (140)6-7; 184-188

If your discussion on the Long Range Forum was exclusive of Beta Blockers, please disregard.