Originally Posted by Jeff_O
Just to be... A PITA... Imagine, if you will, 2 billion Chinese in a democratic capitalist mode.

Not sure we should unhappy about their communist ways. Think on it.


Yeah, that's a great idea - just so we can buy junk cheap, why don't we (through our voting with our dollars) help keep over a billion people oppressed by their own government so they don't have the freedoms our Constitution listed as God-given human rights - you know, minor things like freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, freedom to worship as one sees fit, right to keep and bear arms ... Yeah, why don't we help keep over a billion people oppressed so we can keep on with our materialism, and at the same time pay to support a foreign government that has nuclear-tipped missiles pointed in our direction and that is buying up scarce resources around the world with the dollars American consumers are sending them. That is a GREAT idea. crazy