Originally Posted by Archerhunter
"HEY, don't confuse derby dude with that liberal ass troll Dudejcb!!!!! We ain't the same people."
Are you schitzophrenic, or do you just not know how to quote a post so it makes sense?

Originally Posted by Archerhunter
Pretty much every real scientist on planet has called foul on the global warming frenzy the government
Really? which "real" scientists would those be? You're not talking about the one's supported by the oil and coal industries are you?

Originally Posted by Archerhunter
Tens of thousands of them have come foreward stating their opinion that it's a hoax in its entirety.
That seems like an awful lot of scientists. where can we find a list.

[/quote]You're pretty good at name calling and making wild unsupported assertions, but short on logical, dispassionate, discussion of issues. what is it you've been "read(ing) up" on?

Faux science is alive and well. The tobacco companies had doctors and "scientists" in their pocket for years, all the time knowing cigarettes were lethal and nicotine was addictive. But they were having a good time making lots of money, and in fact had enough money to buy off the weak integrity of some propogand doctors to do their bidding thorugh some bogus non-profit front group like "Citizens for Clean Lungs." That's not a particularly uncommmon strategy, but the easily fooled are...easily fooled.

Tell me; whatever happened to the Marlboro Man. (I already know the answer. he died of lung cancer and blamed his old bosses.)

the bottle was dusty but the liquor was clean...