Originally Posted by Mac84
Originally Posted by Jeff_O
Originally Posted by ironbender
Can't tell you what the middle is exactly, because I'm not there.

A liberal that allegedly hunts is still a liberal.

The fact, as you admitted, that you are unable to make a decision as to you your political philosophy, indicates bipolar disorder, FAS, or just cognitive contradictions.

Calling yourself "the middle" doesn't make that any more true than you claiming to have spanked Stick re: 308 vs. 7-08.

So... it's "hilarious" that I would call myself in the middle, yet, you can't even define it? That's flat stupid.

Methinks you are shooting some blunt arrows there, Mikey.

"Allegedly" hunts? WTF are you implying? Please explain that one. If you are saying I'm lying about hunting then first, [bleep] you!! Second, [bleep] YOU!! and third, I can prove it (and have) so... [bleep] you.

I HAVE made a decision, long ago, as to my political philosophy. It's very simple. I don't subscribe fully to either side because neither holds a lock on the truth. To blindly follow either side is to blindly swallow numerous serious philosophical contradictions. I, and others here, have pointed out over and over and over how riddled with contradiction and outright deceit the modern American "conservative" position is. Yet, you fail to so much as acknowledge this, you and yours, instead bleating that those of us who won't accept this BS are somehow "muddled". I call BS. "Muddled" is to call yourself a freedom-loving, Constitution-loving, small government "conservative" and then, say, deny people personal freedoms. Violate the constitution. Espouse a HUGE government capable of not only meddling in OUR lives, but in meddling in the lives of people all around the world. And on and on.

As near as I can tell, my views break down about like this. I say "as near as I can tell" because, frankly, some things that modern "conservatives" want would better be described as liberal, and vice versa. So I have to attempt to categorize these based not on where they SHOULD be, but rather where they ARE in the modern spectrum. But anyway:



-Guns. 2nd amendment all the way, on multiple levels, to include "because it ain't for duck hunting".

-Free markets. Love 'em, not that they really exist anyway but that another topic;

-Person freedom, accountability, and responsibility.

-Small government. PLEASE! Cut the [bleep] thing down to size. Including the military. Stop the global meddling.

-State's rights.



-pro-environment; it's all we have and with this many phookin' people, there's just no alternative but regulation in this regard;

-against imprisoning people for the simple use of intoxicants; if you don't own your own HEAD, what do you own? Besides, a bunch of drug users (alchohol) wrote those stupid laws.

-support equal rights and privelages for all law-abiding adult humans. What consenting adults do is not the State's business, nor is denying anyone rights or privilidges based on that.

-against un-Cnstitutionally forcing religion into public institutions such as schools and courtrooms .

-pro-union. A necessary evil. This ties into the "free markets don't really exist anyway" comment, above.


So there you go Mikey. Tell me that's not a person in the middle. I dare ya.

In the end, though, what we have in America is NOT a political system that tears everything down and starts from scratch with each new leader, like happens with warlords and dictators and so on.

What we have is akin to a train going down a track. The new administration gets a train... on a track, going a direction, at a speed, with a certain cargo, a certain amount of coal to burn, and so on.

And so, the only rational thing to do is to look at where the train is at each "stop" (election) and look at who's available to take over the train and make a call as to who can best take the reins at that moment, for that train. And McCain/Palin, and more importantly the out-of-gas Republican Party, was NOT the right people to hand that train to in '08. Period. They'd run the damn thing out of coal, and were standing there like deer in the headlights wondering what happened, who to blame, and what to do.

And that's where some of you have your heads up your butts with respect to Obama. He was absolutely the right choice- given the choices. The train he inherited was in the very midst of a massive socialization of the economy- because of George Bush! And started by George Bush. To blame bank bailouts and stimulus packages and so on on Obama is partisan stupidity and frankly beneath most of you here; you are smarter than that!! (excluding Nemesis).

How can you believe in the 2nd amendment and vote for obama? Don't give us that bs about guns being off the table for now. The first thing the dems did in 09 was to write shiite like the blair holt act. Fortunately, some saw it was too soon to start grabbing guns. Taking the risk of giving the douche in chief a 2nd term is ignorance at it's best.

Small government? Electing an ultra liberal and expecting him to not spend is like giving your child to a child molester and expecting him to not molest your child.

First, anyone with a brain knows that guns are not in the political lexicon right now. This was clearly signalled by the Dems.

Second, who said anything about me voting for a second term?

Third, Bush spent like a drunken sailor. A HUGE part of Obama's deficit is simply an extension of Bush's. The Republican Party is NOT the party of small spending. It's not a reasonable criteria to differentiate the two parties by, any more.

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two