I am trying to figure out what the final configuration I have come up with will weigh.

I have decided on a pac-nor essentially #3 contour barrel. The weight calculator on their website says in this caliber the barrel will weigh 3.07 lbs (using my desired dimension of length and shank). I am guessing the action weighs a little more than 2.5 lbs (a standard pre-64 model 70) so I am thinking I am up to about 5 3/4 lbs. I am not certain how much an Echols Legend (standard fiberglass) weighs but I am guessing about 2 lbs, maybe a bit more with pad, studs, etc. - which would put me in the neighborhood of 7 3/4. So with a 11 oz scope and LW Talley rings I about 8 1/2 lbs.

How close am I?