I was stationed in Fairbanks in the Army a few years ago and had the green mucklucks and white Bunny Boots issued to me. The Bunny's are vapor barrier boots, so there is no air circulation, they are warm, but you have to change socks and dry your feet to prevent immersion foot, kind of like soaking your feet in warm water all day.
The mucklucks were great if you replaced the white felt with Sorel blue and put a couple of felt pads (insoles) under them.
However, we all used Herman Survivors (sold through clothing sales and authorized to wear in uniform) if we were doing much walking. The mucklucks have no ankle support and no insole support, and the bunny boots were just too heavy to walk in.
The canvas Mucklucks should be treated with a spray to waterproof them (we used CampDry) because it was available. For our own use, most the guys used either Sorel Caribous or similiar boots, oversized, and added felt packs as we saw fit.
Hope this helps.