It's good that your co-workers are aware of your diabetes. I have a friend that is diabetic, and for whatever he reason choose not to inform anyone in our office.

We found him in his office one day sitting in front of his computer staring straight ahead and as stiff as a board. When we spoke to him he would look in our direction, but was otherwise unresponsive. We dialed 911, and while we were waiting on the ambulance our boss found his insulin and needles in his briefcase. It turns out that he had switched to another type of insulin and had not worked out the new dosage correctly.

I don't know if he was embarrassed or just figured it was no one else's business. But letting the people around know about medical conditions like diabetes can mean the difference between life and death.

Boots were made for walking
Winds were blowing change
Boys fall in the jungle
As I Came of Age