[I searched for both Williams and Lyman receiver sights and couldn't find any for '92s, which surprises me greatly. Tang peep sights...yes, but no receiver ones. I personally don't have either on any of my guns right now.]

The reason you cannot find (and will never find) a receiver peep sight specifically designated for the Winchester Model 92 is that the Model 1892/92/53/65 takes the same receiver peep sights as does the Winchester Models 55/64/94/1894 (for which many are listed).

Since the Rossi Model 92's aren't factory prepped (D/T'd) for a receiver peep sight, there are even MORE options available to the Rossi owner.

Receiver peep sights meant for the top-eject Win 94 are side mounted, and a M92 can certainly use one of that config.

However, a Rossi M92 will also accept a top-mounted receiver peep sight, meant for a Winchester angle-eject M94AE from either Williams or XS via D/T one hole in the top of the rear of each receiver sidewall. (see bottom-most rifle, below)

[Linked Image]

A THIRD option for some Rossi M92 owners, is for those who have a later model which has the lawyer bolt-top safety.
The safety pops right out in less than a minute, and is easily replaced by a bolt top peep sight from either Skinner (LoPro) or www.stevesgunz.com

[Linked Image]

Either the Williams 5D94AE/FP94AE or the Skinner LoPro/Steve'sGunz peeps will readily zero using the issue height fgront sight blade.


It ain't no fun, when the rabbit's got the gun