Like croldfort, I have a Fjallkniven U2 (although I sometimes carry a Swiss army knife if there is chance that I may need to open a wine bottle! smile

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The U2 is the most amazing knife at keeping an edge (and I have knives in S30V, D2 and several other "high tech" steels).

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The U2 blade is laminated (which you can see in the picture above if I did this correctly), with the centre lamination being "super gold powder steel" -- whatever that is! smile All I can say is that mine has cut what must be several kilometers of cardboard box material and reinforced package tape and it is still scary sharp. No chipping of the blade -- in spite of some emergency prying and using the blade tip as a Philips screwdriver!

When this knife eventually gets dull, I am sure that I will have to break out the diamond hones to sharpen it because this steel is harder than woodpecker lips!
