Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by TBaker5390
The way I recollect the story(too lazy to look it up) is that it started from a dead stop....Guessin I am not too worried about a high noon showdown with you...
I presume it started from a dead stop, since I heard behind me the sudden sound of a revving engine (like you'd hear if it was floored) and tires spinning out. By the time I turned around to see what the ruckus was all about, it had already covered quite a bit of distance, still accelerating, leaving me only just enough time, moving as fast as I was able with an elderly dog in tow, to get myself and him out of the way. Essentially, I was dragging the poor old guy, who had no idea what was going on. Very scary situation. I hope it never happens to you. This guy's intention, with reckless disregard for life, was clearly to cause me to fear for my life.

Sounds like the perfect time to defend yourself....unless he was from a dead stop 10 yards away....just dosen't add up...haven't been in that situation...but my story woulda ended with "then I blew out his back window...killing the mofo... and all of Florida are proud" I might end up in a court room...but still woulda been better than on here sounding like a puss...just sayin

"What country can preserve it's liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance. Let them take arms." (Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, Dec. 20, 1787)