With my brothers ram down so fast we still had a ton of time to go looking for more. We found a valley full of rams. So many in fact it was going to be a real problem getting up into them without blowing them all out. It was 10pm or so when I decided to put on the painters suit and start up the hill like a sheep. One painter�s suit on me, and the other one on my pack. In the dim light it actually worked really well. I could see some of the rams look my way once in a while but they never spooked. They kept feeding and some of them were actually butting heads and having fun. I was able to get up the hill a ways and then get in a small depression and keep hiking. I hiked till about 1:00am and realized I couldn't see the pins on my bow sight anymore. So I slept for a couple hours under a small ledge.

As I was waking up at around 4:30am a small ram came and pinned me down for a while. After he left I climbed another � mike or so and started across and above the last place I had seen the rams. Slowly on my rear, crab crawling, get up scoot and sit, up scoot and sit. Suddenly I spotted a bedded ram about 70 yards away below me. Soon I had 6 of them spotted and was only missing the one legal ram. I barely peaked my head higher and noticed he was below me bedded at 37 yards. I couldn�t get up and shoot so I had to wait until he got up.

That one hour or so spent on the hill right with the bedded rams is something I will never forget. Just listening to the creek way below, the occasional rock falling and still being able to notice how quiet it was as there was no wind that morning. I felt like I was a ram! THis picture was taken almost right were they were bedded. A room with a view.

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As it turns out I can�t shoot worth a piss sitting flat on my butt when he finally stood up. It took a little more time than you would like, but amazingly I had sheep #2!!!!!

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