Truly excellent work guys! Y'all are right on the foreskin of technology. I was a test engineer for NASA and the Army Missile Command for a number of years and used to have a sign on my desk that said "One test is worth a thousand expert opinions". Y'all are the embodiment of that philosophy.

I especially like the fact that you fine tuned the resonance damping effect by reducing the weight of the blueberry test article. Keep up the good work. Lot's more research to be performed. However, be forewarned to be careful with the blue tape and barrel condoms. You could overspeed the bullets, burn out your barrel and way overpenetrate under field conditions.

Bring enough gun and know how to use it.

Know that it is not the knowing, nor the talking, nor the reading man, but the doing man, that at last will be found the happiest man. - Thomas Brooks (1608-1680)