Originally Posted by snpr700
It would be a good idea to clarify that the hunters are not issued tags by the landowner. The landowner must provide written permission to obtain a license. As you also mentioned, the license is only good for private land unless you drew a permit in the draw.

Correct, except in this case the outfitter takes care of all the paper work. He sends the hunter a packet containing all the legal docs including a power of attorney. The hunter completes the paperwork, encloses a check made payable to fish and game and the outfitter gets the license and he has the landowner tag since he bought them plus whatever other stupid paperwork the government requires. I already sent him my packet and check so it'll get done. He prefers to do it this way so the hunter doesn't screw up when he gets the license. I have to say nobody can screw up wet dreams as bad as the idiots that run the various game and fish agencies in each state. It's becoming a nightmare of dos and don'ts.

As much as New Mexico has done to try and produce decent bucks on public land it's a miserable failure. Nobody is happy and there still aren't any deer worth shooting in most areas. They need to raise the points to a minimum of 4 or 6 and in a short time you'll have quality deer on public land. As long as the meat hunters can shoot forkhorns they will.