Originally Posted by Deerwhacker444
Originally Posted by VAnimrod

Go ahead and put salt water in those tanks. Do it personally, as in yourself; YOU put the salt water in those tanks.

WHEN someone dies from that, YOU will be arrested, tried, and convicted of murder.

And, rightfully so.

Now I'm going to be Arrested, Tried and Convicted of Murder for making it difficult to stay in this country ILLEGALLY..!

Shame on me..!

I guess we're gonna have to agree that there's a difference of opinion on this one.

Since you're so happy to give these folks some water, I guess you wouldn't mind going and helping some of the ranchers clean up the filth that the illegals leave around these watering holes...? I'm sure you'll catch the first bus....

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No, idiot.

You'd be arrested, tried, and convicted for knowingly and maliciously tainting or tampering with drinking water, creating an "attractive nuisance" and recklessly endangering human life resulting in the death of another that you knew, or should have known, would be a likely result.

The pics and "illegally here" defense, is weak, and wouldn't fly.

Besides, you'd have no way of knowing whether the person who might drink that poisoned water would be legal or illegal.

You could just as easily poison and kill a tourist, a ranger, or a lost hiker as any "illegal", and the result (to you) would still be same.

Nice try with the red herring, though.

And, if you'd pull your cranial device from your rectal orifice, you'd recognize that I'm damned sure not an opponent of stopping illegal invasion/immigration.

I just am not got to advocate poisoning water tanks and likely wantonly and recklessly killing people to do it.