Originally Posted by Joe788
I usually stay away from name calling on these forums, but sometimes you just have to call a spade a spade.

Duquensebeer, you are a presumptuous, pompous, sorry, judgmental, lame-assed sorry excuse for a human being.

What about the kid's actions was/were unethical? You don't know, you were not there. How could you make that assumption - unless you are a horrid, miserable piece of crap?

You assume that the kid had days or all week to hunt. How would you know that?

You piss and moan about people hunting all day and not seeing anything, yet you'd have a young hunter who is anxious for his first kill (which is not a bad thing) pass up an opportunity. An opportunity which; in your own words, may not come again that day/trip/season.

The young man had an opportunity to kill a deer.
He took it.
He has the rest of his life (speaking of which, why don't you get one?) to wait out the big one. If that is how he chooses to hunt.
If he does not choose that hunting style that does not make him unethical or a poor hunter.

I am astounded that a responsible intelligent adult would trash a kid for killing his first deer.

I agree completely!

I remember my first deer. It wasn't big, but I was happy as heck to get it and can still take you to the exact spot where I shot it and where I was sitting when I shot it. Oh ya, it was also the first legal deer that I saw on opening day! If someone wants to shoot the first legal deer they see, go for it!


The more you know, the less you need.