Originally Posted by Polska
It's all these damn Canadians, all they do is leach. They leach off their government and they leach and extort American and foreign hunters, cause their country has no economy and they know Canada, sadly, has the best hunting in North America besides alaskan and some northwestern states. Just look at any guide in quebec or ontario or new brunswick or new foundland... and see their rates, bet you won't find a decent one for under 10,000

this reminds me of the old south park movie and the blame canada song. hilarious seriouslsy polski your a douuche bag, i think youve watched too many shows on vs and read to many magizines.also the aimpoints used by the us military do fail, thats why they have buis. i dont think you would have to dig to hard to find some stories of them failing in combat. oh and i wanna meet the guy who charges 10gs for a baited black bear hunt and has more than one customer a year.