Originally Posted by RoninPhx
after reading these posts a few thoughts:
chicago always knows best: look at what way out of the money call options a couple of years out are going for, someone is betting they are going to be around.
The man in the white house talks out of his azz.
look at who OWNS bp i.e. the various state and public retirement funds as in millions of shares not to mention the british retirement fund which supports a lot of british pensioneers. As to our pension ownership, you force them to cut the dividend and destroy the stock, they you have another contribution to unfunded pension liabilities and another hit where states don't have the money, course i am sure the man's enconomic advisors don't bother about this stuff when he talks out of his azz.
Already today there are news postings about the british prime minister going to talk to "the man" about his mouth. It is high good coverup for the fact "the man" didn't have a clue on how to respond.
Refer back to the exxon valdez spill and the huge penalty they faced at the time. 20 years later it was settled for a fraction of the original amount.
there is no question that bp is going to be paying a lot of money, course they have a lot of money. The msm and the white house propaganda machine are real good at throwing caca on the walls not so good as doing something constructive.
Bp is a a.d.r., it is not quite as easy for "the man" to shake them down as he did the U.S. Chartered banks and auto industry.
On the other hand, sense he likes to give money to the palestinians and cozy up to those interests that hate us, while stiffing israel and Great Britain among our other traditional allies, who knows.
BP is selling below nominal book value although that might not be an indicator given the money outlay coming
Bp is an international concern, even if "the man" was legally able to confiscate their U.S. assets there are plenty more world wide.
You have a shark feeding frenzy on the part of msm, the administration, and shorts.
Having said that, there are still a lot of unknowns out there, that's why the stock is down.

i hit that sucker all the way down to about 29bucks a share. they were right on schedule, meaning a good guess, when they announced ressumption of a dividend a couple of days ago.