I dunno either.
Both sides will fudge the numbers.

CBS, NBC, and the rest of the LSM have a consistent record of grossly underestimating conservative gatherings. Reporting the 500,000 Beck/Palin Washington Mall crowds as a few hundred thousand or smaller.

Your Capital Gestapo probably are part of a public union and it is the talking heads at the top, that also said they were going to stop Palin, doing the reporting. Not the rank and file members.

And the WISC Channel3000.com count includes overhead photos.
I don�t know if they did any photo analysis or just guessed.

But you give me a decent overhead photo and a good light table, I will dig out a grid overlay and my old dot glass, and come within 5% of your crowd size.

My point is that whatever the crowds, Palin had by far the largest Tax Day TP Rally and in the worst weather.

Leo of the Land of Dyr



“In Trump We Trust.” Right????

SOMEBODY please tell TRH that Netanyahu NEVER said "Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away."