Interesting subject.

If you need a .375, you're probably not hunting in SA because the type of game you need one for is rarely hunted there. Zim is more likely. I was there last week. Some thoughts.

Forget gun stores. That would have taken at least a day off my hunt. The nearest one was 7 hours from the hunting area anyway.

Choice is uncommon. $5.00 for a 30-06 round is common with no choice of bullet weight or type. I heard of a case where no .338 ammo was to be found in the capital of Zim.

It is practically illegal to import ammo for sale into Zim. Most countries, including SA, are embargoing it.

My PH had a supply of .375 ammo. His average ammo is about 10 or 15 years old.

My PH had two spare rifles--an iron sighted .375 and a very nice customized CZ in.416 with a leupy scope.

If my ammo had been lost, I would probably have used his .416. He didn't hunt with it when backing up a client, preferring his .500 Nitro Express made by John Rigby.

Don't blame me. I voted for Trump.

Democrats would burn this country to the ground, if they could rule over the ashes.