Had a good day,Thursday!Walked out the back door,going to work,and stumbled over a sampler pack from Boulevard brewing co.I have had a few of them,but 2 or 3 were new to me.Still don't know who left it,as I send a few electricians work.
Thursday night,wifey and I met friends in town for dinner and a few beers,and I scored 5 different six packs of Bells brewing co beer and a six pack of Founders PA.Did I mention that we are all beer snobs!
As soon as the beer fridge has enough room,I will try a few Czeck beers.
Right now,I'm having a Breckenridge Vanilla Porter with a steak!One of my Sunday night favorites.
Sorry to hi-jack,I know that this was a thread on Bohemian beer,but I did not post in the last beer thread.I was hoping to keep it going,for a while,thru the summer. Lightman
