You are, in your own words, backing out of the wager you made - you invented the whole idea.

I even offered to roll the ammo for ya - you still backed down. You don't have a leg to stand on dude. I'll roll it, ship it, and you can pick it out of the pile. Same rifle, same ammo.

What part of your wager is it that you feel isn't being met? Here it is, just so you don't leave any of it out. Out shoot me cold with my own rifle, eh? For a grand, eh? You can't got the balls, never mind the ability.

Originally Posted by Kamerad_Les
Hey ya snide bastard, I have been a life member since I was 13 years old, my daughters and wife have been life members for 2 years, and as to your keyboard shooter, bub, I could outshoot you cold with your own fuggin rifle, I'll lay a grand on the table to yours, wanna play?

Still time to register for the match dude.

Save an elk, shoot a cow.