Granted it's not that evil steel cased stuff but EAG Tactical has a Bravo Company AR that goes by the nom de guerre 'filthy 14' they use in their classes that has been cleaned once in more than 40,000 rounds fired. S.W.A.T. magazine reported on it about a year and a half ago when the round count was 31,165. It has had two or three parts replaced due to breaking/melting but there was a post at a couple of weeks ago that said the up-to-date count was 42,770.

That post at was wrong. There's a post from Pat Rogers hisself at lightfighter made last July that says it was up to 43,345.

Last edited by XL5; 02/19/12.

Alle Fähigkeit ist vergeblich, wenn ein Engel in Ihrem Notenloch uriniert
-- old German proverb