...very interesting report....but I can not agree with his Conclusion because it flies right in the face of his Incapacitation Index...


"This study took me a long time and a lot of effort to complete. Despite the work it took, I'm glad I did it. The results I got from the study lead me to believe that there really isn't that much difference between most defensive handgun rounds and calibers. None is a death ray, but most work adequately...even the lowly .22s. I've stopped worrying about trying to find the "ultimate" bullet. There isn't one. And I've stopped feeling the need to strap on my .45 every time I leave the house out of fear that my 9mm doesn't have enough "stopping power." Folks, carry what you want. Caliber really isn't all that important."

Yet two paragraphs before he has a chart showing the "Failure to incapacitate" that shows a WIDE difference in calibers...

He says the exact same thing as M&S but in reverse.


If you can not deal with reality, reality will deal with you....