Originally Posted by wildchild2010
Originally Posted by GrosVentreGeorge
I use a KOA Alpha Wolf that I absolutely love. Had it for three seasons now and I usually end up gutting everyone's kill with it as well. I also carry a Sagen hand saw with me while hunting for rib cages and pelvises. In the truck I keep a buck hatchet and SOG folding camp saw just in case.
How does KOA Alpha Wolf hold an edge and is it hard to sharpen with the D2 steel?
The Alpha Wolf holds an edge pretty damn good in my opinion. I went through five antelope and three muleys before trying to sharpen it. It wasn't dull but not razor sharp like when I first bought it. I tried using a Lansky pro stone set but it isn't as sharp as I feel it should be. I might try the diamond set before sending it back to KOA to have them sharpen it.