Originally Posted by Redbone311
Originally Posted by mdv1state
I don't know any of the details about this gripe, but I know Palmetto very well and absolutley guarantee that nothing is being stolen.

Originally Posted by Palmetto
Didn't read all this mess, but have been in the hospital and dealing with a pretty big flood down here.
Please send me an address muleshoe. I don't want a fourth check sent back to my mail box.
I have always paid for everything I bought on this sight and always delivered what I sold.
Sorry for having written the address incorrectly and having an [bleep] put me in the hospital.
Not to mention I'm kinda busy with several thousand acres of my row crops flooded and 500 head of cattle to move.
I didn't read all this BS and really don't care. I always pay my debts and a FOURTH check will go out tomorrow.
Please do contact the LA AG, Gov, Parish DA, or any other LE in the state of LA. I'm sure they would all be more than happy to hear from me as I am personal friends with every one of them.
Since some jackass ran me off the road and flipped my truck on his cell phone it's been a little tough to run four businesses from my bed. Sorry I didn't get online too much. Wasn't really worried about shooting and my wife has been opening my mail. I don't think she really thought a $60 returned check couldn't wait until I felt a little better.
If anyone else has a problem with anything I haven't done properly or followed the rules on concerning the classifieds please shoot me a PM and it will be taken care of.


Then tell your deadbeat friend:

1) That he is a deadbeat
2) That he is making a complete fool of himself
3) That bragging that he is friends with the state Atty General, every member of Law Enforcement in the state, LA AG, the Gov, Parish DA, or any other LE in the state of LA. "I'm sure they would all be more than happy to hear from me as I am personal friends with every one of them." Really? And your above the law? No Chit? Maybe we should all call them!!!
I'm sure that they would love to hear that Mr Deadbeat claims all of this. If he is such a big deal boss and manager then I would guess that he would be able to figure out how to mail out a check or MO. And that he would be able to figure out how to return emails and phone calls as well.
This is all repeat behavior. He has done this again and again.
Dirtbag, loser, and fool.

Far as I'm concerned scumbags like him deserve every bit of abuse x 1,000,000 that can be generated. I hate thieves and he is a POS thief.