I'm with BYC in trying to pitch in for the airfare. This is amazing Mr. Kriel!

I might know one deserving fella. He is a Morturary Affairs guy, and although he isn't out kicking in doors, his job is to identify remains, and honor our fallen by cleaning them up, and presenting them back to their families so that they have something to bury. The job is hard on him and he suffers with chronic nightmares from the kinds of things he see's daily while over there.

I know another guy from the same unit that is a full blown hero in my mind. We had a huge VBIED blow up one of our FOB's there last year. This FOB was very close to where our FOB was. This man grabed a medical pack and ran to the med shed. He gave blood moments before volunteering to fly out to the bomb site in order to load aircraft with wounded. He helped save dozens of lives that night.

Both of these guys love the outdoors, and I don't believe that either one has ever been to Africa.

Maybe we need to make a list of troops to submit here, and a little about their story, and then vote to send the two chosen?

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." - John Adams

Turdlike, by default.