Originally Posted by RickBin
Super story. Great pics too. Brings back some good memories.

For the record, Rick Bin did not kill any bear. I simply stood there with Scott (hiya pal) while Art pole-axed it with one 270-grainer through the front shoulder and into the vitals, which made it hit the ground hard and right-now, and tremble away the last of its life. Art graciously convinced me the sonofabitch-was-coming, even though it wasn't ( smile ), and since I was the designated backup, I deferred to experience and let one fly into the trembling furball just on principle, which caused it to tumble spectacularly ass-over-teakettle down the hill for what I remember to be at least a hundred yards.

And I'd do it again, too. smile

What a trip! Both of them.

Big congrats! Big Kudos to all!

Aside from simply standing there you also carried the hide, wrapped around your shoulders past another brown bear, jaws-aclacking, with an unknown relationship to the recently deceased bear... And telling the live bear to "bring it on!" I still laugh about that every time I think about it!

Mark Begich, Joaquin Jackson, and Heller resistance... Three huge reasons to worry about the NRA.