Incredible trip! And, thank you Rick and Art for the memories. That was a tough year, but all's well that ends well. You are two very good friends and again, what an incredible adventure!

Oh, and "COUGAR, COUGAR on the beach!" smile

Originally Posted by Sitka deer
Originally Posted by RickBin
Super story. Great pics too. Brings back some good memories.

For the record, Rick Bin did not kill any bear. I simply stood there with Scott (hiya pal) while Art pole-axed it with one 270-grainer through the front shoulder and into the vitals, which made it hit the ground hard and right-now, and tremble away the last of its life. Art graciously convinced me the sonofabitch-was-coming, even though it wasn't ( smile ), and since I was the designated backup, I deferred to experience and let one fly into the trembling furball just on principle, which caused it to tumble spectacularly ass-over-teakettle down the hill for what I remember to be at least a hundred yards.

And I'd do it again, too. smile

What a trip! Both of them.

Big congrats! Big Kudos to all!

Aside from simply standing there you also carried the hide, wrapped around your shoulders past another brown bear, jaws-aclacking, with an unknown relationship to the recently deceased bear... And telling the live bear to "bring it on!" I still laugh about that every time I think about it!