Is anybody here privy to the details and actual transcripts of the case, and is anybody here privy to the actual settlement in question?

Facts would be nice here instead of conjecture. I will be happy to reconsider my opinion if someone can present me with the actual facts of the case and the judgement of the court, which is the only "opinion" that really matters.

Until then, ALL other opinions, mine included, are simply that - uneducated opinions.
No one here is privy to any of the facts of the case � not legally, and probably not at all � unless he's party to the suit or an officer of the court, and even such a one can not reveal anything. The court papers pertaining to the case and the details of the settlement are sealed � secret, as in not available to the press or the public. As consultant to Browning on the case, I'm as close to it as any other outsider, and I can not learn the details of the settlement or the bases for it.

Fine with me.

But facts have little to do with the opinions of opinionated opiners, so go at it all you want.


"Good enough" isn't.

Always take your responsibilities seriously but never yourself.