Originally Posted by drover
UncleBig Green

Hopefully this will take you to a picture/description of what you have in mind - http://www.cooperfirearms.com/build-your-own

Open the home page click and click on "build your own" and use the drop-down boxes to bring up the rifle/description. This will give you a small picture of the rifle and its specifications.

I have found that going to the "home screen" and clicking on "our rifles" at the bottom of the page will bring up pictures of the different models offered. When you get there place the cursor on the model and click on it and it will open another window and show the different calibers and stock styles available in that particular model number.

There is nothing intuitive about the website - it all a matter of trial and error.

Hopefully you can make some sense of this, I do know how to describe the process better. It just shouldn't be this difficult to access a website for information.


Thanks Drover, I went there and clicked the 6.5 and 25-06. It told me that I was SOL when I clicked 25-06 and 6.5-284. However, I noticed that they put style name first on the "build your own," so they've since update their site. It wasn't like that yesterday. Hopefully, that means that they're working on it. I realize that they're one of the better rifle mfgs. out there. So, even though I'm bitching, I'm also trying to help.

I'll own a Cooper. If BO doesn't get a second term, then it will be sooner rather than later. smile

Last edited by UncleBigGreen; 11/02/12.

Human rights don't have expiration dates.