Originally Posted by dvdegeorge
Super Busy with work past 2 days my buddy is flying in from Manitoba whitetail hunt tomorrow he shot a big 9 pt so had to check zero on my spare slugging and get him a stand ready I had one hung in a good spot from years ago but poison ivy grew all up the tree I just spent the last 15 minutes with rubber gloves and pruners getting it cleared so he can sit it Saturday for gun opener
I'm gonna get a big does of poison ivy as I'm sure it got all over me but hey what are buddies for!
Crawled up into my stand for last hour and a few problem my last chance with the bow very still no wind but I shall hope for a last chance

Preparation-H wipes will be your friend! I found out the hard way when I moved down here to Texas (they don't have poison ivy or oak in Alaska!) that I am severely allergic to the stuff. The nurse at the Doc's office told me to use Preparation-H wipes to cut down on the swelling and itching. It DID!


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