Originally Posted by AcesNeights
Do you ever get tired of being wrong?

I understand just fine that he'll pay a penalty for not providing HC for the fulltime employees he has, I also understand he won't be paying for ANY of their HC. I also understand that his surcharge far exceeds the penalty in %'s.

Your batting average makes Alex Rodriquez look like a high 3 digit hitter.

Keep swinging...btw I HATE lying, cheating SOBs......
No, again you clearly don't understand. He will have to pay for HC for ALL of his remainging full time employees where right now he pays for a small percentage. He has to provide 100% coverage for ALL full time employees. He's trying to reduce that overall number he'll be subject to in the future. At the end of day he'll still have MORE employees he'll be paying HC coverage for. And he won't in any mix of FT or PT employees pay for less overall salary dollars. Get it?!?!
No apparently not.
You and blackheart just need to drive on down to Florida and NOT eat at his resturants. That'll show him. Stick it to the man! Power to the people!

NRA Lifer
"It is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world and moral courage so rare." - Mark Twain
"Everybody has principles... until they are an inconvenience." - Me