This is a fire starting technique everyone should learn. Duct Tape is a fire starting material. Always keep a roll handy in your vehicle or hunting pack, it fixes about everything �but few learn it is a fire starter. It�s waterproof, too. Tear off a foot or more, and wad it into a ball, place it on an appropriate surface (a flat rock is good) and light it. The glue is flammable, and a round wad melts into a puddle of sticky gel-fuel that burns until the puddle is exhausted ash. A twig tipi of wet wood will burn when you set a rolled wad inside and light the tape; it will dry the wood as it ignites it. Remember it creates a puddle of gel-fuel that can be moved for best position (also think portable rock candle used for light, too). Duct Tape could save your life if stranded in the winter or in a situation where a fire is desperately needed �don�t forget the Duct Tape!

...I spent most of my money on Guns, Women & Booze. The rest I wasted.

...I started out with nothing and after paying for all my hunting I'm getting back to where I started.