the original bic lighter with adjustable flame was a fair fire making tool... Not great for true cold weather, or high elevations, but for most purposes, it was OK...

the current bic lighter has too small of a flame, is hard to keep burning for any time without burning fingers, and is durable enough for most purposes, but still subject to breakage...

as lighters go, i prefer the zippo, which will burn long without getting too hot to use... it provides plenty of flame to ignite about anything, and is exceedingly durable... I know guys who have used the same lighter for over 40 years.
the zippo does require some light maintenance, and is not completely weatherproof... i have yet to see a completely weatherproof mechanical lighter.

the F.C. firesteels are impervious to any condition that i can imagine... and so easily used that i tend to use them even when a mechanical lighter would suffice...

"Chances Will Be Taken"