By the way, that's my niece with the rolling on Rod44 post.
Lefsa, as said before is best warm, rolled up up with cinnamon sugar and butter. You know if you had enough butter if it oozes out of the ends of the rolled lefsa and drips off your elbows.
Lutefisk - whole new ballgame. Edible only with cups of melted and only on Christmas eve. As a grade schooler in a small Wisconsin village, the local grocery stores displayed the sticks of dried Lutefisk along the sides of their stores. My mother always said they tasted better if the local stray dogs peed on them first.
Rommegrot (spelled with a double dot above the 2nd 'o'). A cream pudding that will melt your heart. And, my wife is an artisan when it comes to creating this dish. Life is good.