Mtrancher: I enjoyed the Kill Bill movies but nowhere near as much as Pulp Fiction or Django Unchained.
I hope you get to see Django for free in the future so it won't offend your anti-violence sensibilities by having to pay for it.
Django is violent - no doubt about that but it contains no type of violence that was not in vogue (reality!) long before movies came along!
I also have been puzzled by why violence is so often incorporated in movies.
This puzzlement has lasted about 50 years now.
I have become resolved to the fact that violence sells movie tickets.
I also often wonder if onscreen violence has any socially redeeming values along with the possibility of negative values?
Say something like letting folks get some type of release by seeing violence on screen then they avoid committing it???
Again I don't know, but I do know for a fact that violence and the inhumanity of man came along many millenia before Quentin Tarantino and movies!
If you believe it is immoral or wrong that violence be portrayed on TV or in the movies then I respect that opinion - with the afore mentioned reservations acknowledged.
Most notably of which is - movies did not create violence!
Do movies and TV add to the amount of violence on earth today?
That is a good question.
If you believe that TV and movies add to our societies amount of violence then maybe you should try to get some laws passed banning violence in movies and on TV.
Good luck.
Hold into the wind