Originally Posted by gr8fuldoug
Originally Posted by Ebby
Very nice looking Doug! Looks like a close range distance of 10 yds on the specs listed on your website. Do you know if the angle comp goes down that close as well? Looks like I'll be forking over some cash for these.


Line Of Sight (LOS) ranging is 10 to 2000 yards.
Angular Ballistics functionality is 100 to 875 yards with organic drop tables and 100 to 1000 yards with user custom table.

if that is true I guess archery people are hosed. I sure hope its not. there should be no reason why an archery profile couldn't have been done. sometimes I wonder if the people designing this stuff back in germany have enough input from real hunters here in the US. it is a small niche but where I hunt you better be able to take a long archery shot I am talking in excess of 80 yards and often its at an extreme up or down angle. at that distance even a couple yards could be a miss. case in point had a huge buck at 96 yards some say umm thats way too far but with a very fast bow and someone that knows what they are doing its doable. it was a downward shot at nearly a 40 degree angle. corrected range was 78 yards. without knowing what the correction is you will not hit the deer at all.