Originally Posted by hatari

That pretty much sums my impression of meeting Farrah Faucet while she was filming one of the Cannonball! movies in ATL with Burt. Being in my late teens talking to Farrah when she was at her hottest darn near saw me pass out from lack of blood! If we make that model, I'm keeping the prototype.

Under the Shuto expressway at Roppongi Crossing, circa 1982, a gaggle of yoots fled from some extraordinarily perturbed members of the Tokyo constabulary, who were damned and determined to apprehend said yoots. But being fleet of foot and desperate of mind, said yoots were as determined to evade Tokyo's finest as they were on clicking steel bracelets and stuffing the yoots into some godforsaken bullpen.

One of the yoots, too busy swiveling his gaze behind him as he shot across an intersection packed with pedestrians to look where he was heading, piled headlong into a body. A female body, with golden locks. Said body came off of her feet, crashing backwards onto the blacktop with a thud that only a human bean can make.

As the downtrodden, poor, misunderstood lad was more desperate to escape than to display his chivalrous side, he only managed a fleeting "I'm so sorry, lady!", as he picked himself up and got back to pumping leg to get the hell out of there. He did make brief eye contact with the innocent, pitiful woman, who was young and pretty and...WTF!, IT'S THE 6 MILLION DOLLAR MAN'S OLD LADY!

Sorry, Farrah!

Good times. And no, the yoots didn't end up in the juvenile crowbar detention facility that day.