These sorts of threads always amaze me, because so many posters firmly state ONE cleaning rod (or cartridge, bullet, scope, rifle, venison recipe, strip joint, etc.) is superior to anything else--without any back-up information about how they came to this firm conclusion.

I must have 25-30 cleaning rods, some made as far back as the 1970's and some from the past year. The handles on some don't twirl as well as others, and some are coated and some not. They have all worked to clean a bunch of bores, and since I also have a bore-scope I've found the rumors about cleaning rods wearing out barrels are just that, rumors. As Butch noted, shooting wears out barrels, not cleaning rods.

“Montana seems to me to be what a small boy would think Texas is like from hearing Texans.”
John Steinbeck