I do disagree with the original post.

Points I would like to make. We, our US government, have armed the rebel fraction, just as Russia has armed Assad. Rebels whom 12 years ago bombed our cities, thousands of men, woman, and children died on that day. Rebels who may have not flown the planes themselves, but support those who did.

A government which has ruled through fear and misdirection for 5 years. A government that seeks to limit it's citizens gun rights and yet seeks to arm an enemy that is known to us.

Reprehensible as the use of checmical weapons is and was, the number of children that died in that attack will pale in comparision to the missile strikes our government is contemplating. Assad is not a stupid man and he has already started moving his assets into locations which will produce the most collateral damage to non-combatant children.

I have the same feeling in my gut as I did that morning 12 years ago when I was on shift and watched in disbelief as the planes were flown into the trade center towers and pentagon.

Sending the matter to Congress and the Senate was actually a very smart move. If they vote to approve the measure, when the aftermath comes, Obama cannot be held accountable, the Senate approved it. If it is voted down, Obama cn just invoke his presidental rights and authorize it anyway. He can then use that to his advantage to convince our allies in the Middle East that its the politicians who blocked our involvement, making him the martyr.

It's a shame how much can and will be effected by this action. Let's spend money on missiles to bomb Syria, so we can furlough our civilian government workforce and continue to decrease the size of our military force at home. Let's give guns to al quieda so we can take the guns away from our own people.

Just as Obama has used children to fuel hatred and tightening of laws in the US, Assad will use children to fuel the worlds anger against the US as a warmonger.

My two cents.