Originally Posted by kamo_gari
Just wanted to thank the gents here who stepped in with words of support and in my defense, so to speak. The classless trash whose mothers--if they had one--didn't raise them right, and showed the stuff they're made of here, don't deserve, and won't get a response from me. Not here. In person, well, that's an entirely different story. But then we all here know THAT will never happen, coward(s) being what they are and all... wink

Happy Thanksgiving to all the good men here, and to the women who make them what they are. For the others, remember: suicide is a viable option to end the misery of a pathetic, joyless life.

KG, very classy response, and you echo my sentiments exactly. Hope you and your lovely wife have a great Thanksgiving.

To anger a conservative, lie to him. To annoy a liberal, tell him the truth.

Promoted to Turdlike status 03/17/12