Originally Posted by kennymauser
I was just noticing that there hasn't been much activity on this thread lately so thought I would see if I couldn't bring it up to date! As I posted quite awhile back what I did in the USAF when I was in, I didn't say much about serving a tour as a crew-member on the 374 TAW Blindbat Mission at Ubon Thailand. We flew night missions over the Ho Chi Mihn Trail looking for trucks carrying goods to the NVA in South Viet Nam. We used a starlight scope mounted in the right paratroop door and flared the trucks while calling air strikes from where ever we could get the aircraft. Usually from Thailand (USAF), or the Gulf of Tonkin (Navy and Marines). We got shot at almost nightly by AAA fire and once a SAM!! Very exciting to say the least! Are there any Campfire members familiar with this mission? I am always looking for Blind Bat guys!

Long winded yes, but I am always hoping to run into some of the guys I might have not seen or heard from for over 40 years.


Try these guys here..



Old Fishermen never die, we just get reel tired.

May you build a ladder to the stars
and climb on every rung.
May you stay......Forever young