Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by goalie
I love how you say "modern" doctors are all quacks and shills in one sentence, then act like "oh, they would have said that" in the next. Which is it?
It's called tossing a bone to your side of the argument for the sake of discussion. In other words, from your perspective, doctors can and will evaluate all relevant factors and come to correct conclusions. That being the case, from your worldview, the doctor can be assumed to have determined said condition not to be present.

Personally, I have less confidence in this by far, which is why I recommend a dietary improvement prior to a visit to a doctor for a chronic complaint like this. Worst case scenario, the person has improved his diet, and will see a doctor the following week because symptoms haven't subsided. Best case scenario, symptoms subside, and no doctor visit is required.

Going to the doctor is one of the most dangerous things you can do these days, and should be avoided to the extent possible.

Gee, you know what's funny? You are talking about one area of medicine where the doctors have actually embraced moving AWAY from just throwing meds at a problem.

Fifteen years ago we would start a lido gtt for frequent PVC's, THEN call the doctor. It was protocol. I have not seen a lido gtt other than in a code for years.

ACLS is about a zillion times more simple than it used to be. Now you just give epi. (I kid, I kid, but it's close) We used to have a dozen ACLS meds we cycled through in a code. Now, other than the electrolytes (calcium, mag) it is basically epi and amio.

You crack me up.