Originally Posted by George_De_Vries_3rd
Originally Posted by lvmiker
Modern medicine has greatly enhanced life expectancy and quality of life.

Modern education has resulted in an electorate that chose our president and congress.

mike r

Not so fast my friend. The Psalms were written about 1000 BC. That was ~ 3000 years ago.
Note Psalm 90:10, "three score and ten years you have and if by strength four score but it will be filled with toil and misery." (Paraphrase mine).
Personally, I believe a good part of the toil and misery we experience is that of the is the slow death due to the infirmities of older age. And particularly,say the last five to ten years of life.
Ever care for older people?
Yes, some diseases are now preventable and treatable but we live no longer. I heard a "scientist" on TV the other day extoll the coming advancements that will lead to much longer life spans. The arrogance. I believe God may have laughed.
Yep, seventy or eighty years is our normal lifespan, as the Psalm indicates. Where people get confused is in taking average lifespans as normal lifespans. Averages are skewed by infant mortality rates, which in primitive societies were and are very high. Raise folks out of primitive conditions (indoor plumbing, sanitation, hygiene, etc..) and childhood mortality goes way down.