Wait here just one minute. I've paid for you. Doesn't this count for anything? Why is this never mentioned in these types of threads? Why can't you deliver to me......your customer.........what I've paid for without bitching and trying to make me feel guilty and somehow lacking in support of you (or was it me?).

I've paid for your lifetime healthcare........including medication copays.......which you've never seen.

I've paid for your on-the-job training.

I've paid for your neverending job security......which few other Americans have.

I've paid for your uniforms and gear.

I've paid for you to have state-of-the-art fighting and safety equipment....in order to protect YOU (or was it me?).

I've paid for your outrageous pension, too.

Please answer.

Last edited by StripBuckHunter; 01/21/14.

Confucius say: He who angers you.......controls you.

My Lifestance is one of Secular Humanism.