My uncle Olin was an acoholic that was very good at woodworking and cabinet making,but allways had a bottle of hooch hiding some where . He loved his family but never had enough money to support them and his habit.

We the family allways kicked in to support the family,but never understood what he was really going through his mind.

He was a member of a B17 flight crew and many times had to pull the mangled gutted bloody crewman out of a bubble turrent,just to jump in and take his place at the gun .

I wish I had known then what I know now,I would never have judged him so harshly.

My Great Grandfather searved in the Illinios Volenteers,Grandfather WW1,Father 7th cav WW2,me Korea,brother Viet Nam 2 tours Marines,Daughter Iraq M-88,so our family is all volentiers.
I made 50.00 per Month for most of my three year enlistment,
you want some of that back?

I get free flue shots and high blood pressure meds,that too much to ask?
