There is no real argument of which cartridge is "better", there are many and they are all different. Pro's and con's of each depending upon what we are doing.
Some are faster, flatter, more power, etc. The point is we pick one for our purpose, dial it in and give it a go. Squirrels, grouse, deer, elk, elephants it doesn't matter.

What is really interesting about 99's and the 250 in particular is that when introduced it was the first 3000 fps ever. And that could do a lot of things a Winchester and a lot of others never could.

Personally I get a charge out of knowing what I have, what it can do and use it as such. And if that means not taking a shot in a small window of opportunity for whatever reason, so be it. The year is 2014 not 1914, meat is not an issue. If it is for you, sell your rifle(s) and buy beef, it's cheaper that way. wink

"Every day above ground is a good day."