The second day we had a very early start. �One of my animals wanted was a waterbuck, the guys new where one frequented a waterhole but it was about 30km away and every time they saw him over the last few months he was just running flat out and they couldn�t get a shot through the thick stuff. �We had been hunting for about 3 hours when solly the tracker spotted him�..and yep he burst out of some thick scrub in front of us. �I had a small window about 80m away where I could just see his neck out the top of the growth so ilet fly with the 300wby and 155gr ACP and dropped him on the spot with a running neck shot��.i was stocked

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As we were coming back out of the high ground onto the open plains I saw a few white blesbock�.i had already shot a brown one on previous trips so I decided to take a shot. �They were walking towards us but they were going to get into some scrub so at about 350m on the walk I let another ACP go��and my blesbock was down

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Well after the days hunting we were pretty spent so after a quiet bourbon round the fire it was bed time. I relived the 2 shots in my head, the first just a snap shot on a large animal at close range, the second a long range shot on small game and my bullets��although happy with in Australia were showing there potential in Africa�..a great feeling for me personally for the time and money put into them.

The next day was an early start again, all the afternoon the day before we tried to find Shelley a kudu��.but came up with nothing��.its hilly, hard going and thick. � �
On our travels the next day I came across a few zebra, I already have a skin but wanted a shoulder mount so at about 200m I took this one���go the ACP

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We continued to hunt and after seeing quite a few warthogs Shelley decided to roll one. This was on her list to do, the shot�.perfect, on the run at 120m both lungs and it sort of dropped the guts out as well�..this destroyed the chance of a full mount but a shoulder one will be fine until she gets a bigger one.

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