it�s complicated which has been made worse when old laws have to be followed and new laws do not take in account the older laws .
OHH and yes , inheritance tax is based on the total value of a ranch which includes existing grazing , water and mineral rights . Those however are not taxed as yearly property taxes. Well unless you want to count grazing fee�s as a tax, which by the way they are not as these agencies do not have the authority to tax, hence they are fee�s
Also if these were actual taxs . Then why didn�t the BLM just come in , slap a lean on the deeded property and then put it up for tax sale?

Frankly im to the point I think this was nothing more then a big strong arm show by the BLM . And don�t tell me that a given BLM office doesn�t have the authority to do such things . that�s BS , they make all kinds of independent decisions all around here . Both the BLM and the USFS . Which frankly is worse . But that�s for another time .

So what did this even prove , well nothing really . But it did show that the US government will now deal first hand with the consequence of mass media . That having the government controlled media play down or as in this case ignore the subject tell the point it was near over , isn�t going to work any more .

It also I believe showed that regardless of what you may think of the people or what their motivations were, who answered the call for help , it must be clear that people from all over this country began answering . Some actuating going there . Others using the internet to get the word out . Even people like those of us here no mater which side your opinion falls. All played a part .
Possibly it showed the government just how dissatisfied and angry a lot of people in this country actually are . That many of the people have reached the point , they will draw a line in the sand .
Next time , and there will be an next as the government will continue testing the waters just as they always have . More will most likely show up if a call goes out . Thus it will make it even worse if blood gets spilled .
But one way or another , any such event , will now be played out not just among the us population but all round the world . While there will be differing opinions , its not going to change the fact that the prevailing impression will still be one of the people rising up against a government . It will be plaid out on the world stage .
So I think this was much bigger then we may realize . While it may be easy to say that the BLM backed down because , the information concerning herry reed , mid term election or what have you . Lets not forget that any such action created even bigger question on the world stage for a US government that isn�t seen by the rest of the world in the same light as some of us may see it .

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